Virtual Lab

Our adjunct and visiting faculty abroad offer and remotely (co)-supervise our students on various research projects in Nepal by leveraging existing online tools.

There is a growing body of students, professionals, and enthusiasts in Nepal who are either working or looking forward to working in computing, informatics, and AI. On the other hand, there is a thriving Nepali scientific community worldwide, with accomplished Nepali academics and professionals working in those fields. NAAMII’s Virtual Lab will connect those experts with the students in Nepal. Besides providing much-needed personal guidance for the students, it will also institutionalize work carried out by students and supervisors so that the new batch of students can build upon the previous results. The Lab will also serve as a mentorship platform, helping students link their passion and skills with existing opportunities and future possibilities. Virtual Lab will employ existing learning methodologies and technologies and develop new ones to facilitate teaching and mentoring. It will also generate digital learning content via targeted curation and local productions. There will be forums for cross-project discussions and idea sharing. The learning activities and resources will be compiled for future learners, thus setting up a platform and community for continuous learning and innovation.

If you are interested in joining as an adjunct faculty, please email us at [email protected].
