
The HackaDev event is a transformative and unique event presented by Diyo AI, with the backing of the UNDP accelerator lab, initiated during NAAMII's Fourth Annual Nepal AI School, 2022. This event included three phased executions: Ideation, Hackathon and Development. The Ideathon phase encompasses an orientation program, idea collection, and team building, while the Hackathon phase, spanning ten days, involves intensive group and individual mentoring sessions, culminating in compelling presentations. The subsequent Development phase extends over six months, providing participants with extensive support in technical, managerial, and domain expertise.

There were three winning teams belonging to three domains. GeoHackers: Climate Change, Law-Yaar (Niti): E-governence, and Araniko 3D: Tourism.

  • Araniko 3D: Cultural Resilience Through Digital Preservation
  • Law-Yaar : Niti Platform
  • Geo-Hacker: AI-Powered Conservation for Chure Range
  • Law-Yaar: Niti Platform

    Geo-Hacker: AI-Powered Conservation for Chure Range