Arniko 3D
Problem Statement
The cultural heritage of Nepal is of immense historical, architectural, and cultural significance. These are invaluable assets that attract thousands of tourists. But, these centuries-old heritages are deteriorating with age, making them vulnerable due to natural disasters, insufficient renovation efforts, and other factors. There is a real risk of their destruction and the loss of invaluable history. Due to the unavailability of detailed documentation, reconstructing these landmarks would be challenging, and future generations may miss out on experiencing and appreciating them.
Possible Solution
The solution is to develop digital replicas of these cultural landmarks. These replicas would serve as references for renovation and reconstruction efforts, allowing people to experience them through virtual reality technologies.
There have been few efforts to create these 3D replicas using photogrammetry, but the problems with them are:
● Use specialized hardware and software
● Hardware and software tools cost over $3,000.
● High computation time
● Not scalable.
Our Solution
This solution would combine Neural Radiance Field with SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) techniques to create realistic and accurate 3D representations based on captured images. With just images captured from simple smartphone cameras, an accurate 3D representation can be created which would act as detailed documentation that can assist in the renovation and restoration of these cultural heritages. Furthermore, we can generate images, videos, point clouds, and mesh.
Our solution is:
● Realistic Output
● Cost Effective
● Less Time consuming (~1 hour)
● Highly Scalable

● Cultural Heritage Documentation
● Immersive and Interactive Virtual Tour
● Visual Effects
● Games
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